31 Reasons to Treat Yourself to SOUL

31 Reasons to Treat Yourself to SOUL

1. Fight cancer with antioxidants

2. Strengthen the immune system

3. Lower risk of cardiovascular disease

4. Improves brain function

5. Reduce pain

6. Regulate organs and glands

7. Speed recovery and healing

8. Improve digestion

9. Decrease infection

10. Keep bones strong

11. Aids in skin disorders, acne,

12. Produce beautiful, hair, skin and nails

13. Improve athletic performance

14. Reduce/prevent inflammation

15. Improve cardiovascular health

16. Boost production of bone marrow

17. Increased energy, performance and stamina

18. Regulate blood pressure

19. Lower bad cholesterol

20. Improve vision

21. Anti-aging properties

22. Help manage diabetes

23. Fight auto-immune disorders

24. Calm upset stomachs

25. Support healthy child development 26. Ease PMS

26. Prevent hearing loss

27. Ease PMS

28. Promotes bowel regularity

29. Aids In better Sleep

30. Helps heal psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea

31. Aid in weight reduction